
[기사] 대학에선 ChatGPT를 사용한 과제들을 확인할 수 있나? (Can universities detect Chat GPT?)

미국NW엔지니어로 살아남기 2023. 3. 19. 15:22

Can universities detect Chat GPT?

Last Updated on February 24, 2023

We see what’s going on here. So you are thinking of using Chat GPT for a university assignment. Well, of course, you must then be wondering: Can universities detect Chat GPT?

Since its release at the end of last year, Chat GPT has taken the world by storm. The AI bot developed by OpenAI has some extremely advanced capabilities. Just a couple of days ago Chat GPT successfully passed the law bar exam. As a result, this AI model has become a topic of interest/concern for many students and universities alike.

Due to its free nature and ability to write human-like essays on almost any topic, many students have been reaching for this model for their university assignments. And if you are a student hoping to use this in the future, you may have concerns about whether your university can detect Chat GPT.


As it currently stands, your university may be able to detect Chat GPT. Despite the model being relatively new, some AI detection software has already caught up. GPTZero is probably the most common and accurate GPT detector out there and it is also free to use. 


However, some professors on Reddit have even confessed they can sniff out a Chat GPT essay from a mile away. Many have reported that the AI bot produces mediocre responses that lack any critical analysis. Which may be an indicator to anyone assessing your assignment.

OpenAI has also announced that they will be adding watermarks to Chat GPT’s responses to indicate when a text was generated using their model. Making Chat GPT detection in the future easier than ever.


Chat GPT essays

Getting an AI bot to write your assignments comes with various pros and cons. Obviously, there’s a massive pro of not actually having to do the work yourself! Besides that, Chat GPT will also construct a completely coherent, well-researched essay of any length as long as you prompt it.

What about the cons though? Chat GPT is clearly a pretty great tool, but something you should be wary of is Chat GPT’s limitations. As outlined by OpenAI, the model does not guarantee to generate correct information. It also has the potential to produce biased content.

Another issue with using this tool as your homework golden ticket is plagiarism. You really do not want to be messing about, when it comes to potential plagiarism on assignments.

Unless you purchase high-quality software to run your Chat GPT essay through, you won’t truly know how badly plagiarized it really is.


최근에 ChatGPT의 버전이 4.0(유료)까지나왔고, 점점 더 진화하는 똑똑한 AI지능을 보여주고있다.

일 예로, 미국 와튼스쿨의 MBA 입학시험을 통과하고, 로스쿨시험, 미국 의사면허 시험(USMLE) 등 여러가지 다양한 분야에서 놀라운 결과들을 보여주고있다. 예전 아이폰이 새로 나왔을때와같은 센세이션을 불러일으키고 있다.

아직까지 미흡한 부분들도 많지만, 해당기술이 조금더 발전한다면, 현재까지 우리가 알고 있던 생활을 좀 더 편리하고 스마트하게 해줄 것이라는 것에는 많은 사람들이 동의할 것이라 생각한다.


이런 ChatGPT가 대학교 과제에 사용되면 어떻게될까? 대학생들은 손쉽게 과제들을 확인하여 좀 더 다양한 정보들을 손쉽고 빨리 체크할 수 있는 긍정적인 면도 있으나, ChatGPT에만 의존하여, 과제들을 copy & paste하여 제출하는, 결국 ChatGPT만 열심히 공부시키고, 본인은 아무것도 남지않는 공부를 하게될 수 있다는 부정적인 면도 있다. 이런 것들은 어떻게 해결해야할까? GPT Zero라는 웹사이트가 있단다. AI가 작성한 텍스트를 얼마나 잘 잡아낼 수 있는지 의심스러운 부분이 많지만, 일단 Chat GPT를 통해 얻은 결과물들을 복사&붙여넣기 해서 보니 아래와같이 AI가 작성했다는 답변을 받았다. 해당 사이트를 사용해서 다양하게 체크해보려고한다. 혹시 내가 직접작성한 글들도 AI가 작성했다고 말하는 것은 아닌지..   나도 현재 대학원공부를 하고있고, ChatGPT가 많은 도움이 될 것 같다. ChatGPT를 이용해서 머릿속에 남는 공부를 위해, 동일한 시간에 좀 더 advanced된 정보들을 확인하고, 나는 좀 더 발전된 생각을 할 수 있도록 제대로 활용해보아야하겠다.  




- https://www.pcguide.com/apps/can-universities-detect-chat-gpt/


Can universities detect Chat GPT?

Find out whether universities can detect Chat GPT, including whether Turnitin can detect AI generated texts.


- GPTZero : https://gptzero.me/



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