
[영단어] 하루에 5개이상 Study Challenge - 01/02/2021

미국NW엔지니어로 살아남기 2021. 1. 3. 15:09

1. under the table

- secretly as in money that is paid (e.g. the deal is often illegal)

- i.e.) they made an agreement under the table so i don't really know what was said


2. uphill battle

- a difficult fight

- i.e.) it was an uphill battle to get the extra vacation day approved


3. word of mouth

- gossip; news spread by people talking to each other

- i.e.) the restaurant special quickly spread by word of mouth and their business boomed


4. up in arms

- very angry

- i.e.) the employees were up in arms when the health insurance costs went up

5. value added

- being a product whose value has been increased especially by special manufacturing, marketing, or processing

- i.e.) there was value added when we listened to what the customers wanted and changed our product accordingly



