[영단어] 하루에 5개이상 Study Challenge - 01/03/2021
1. walking a tightrope between
- to deal carefully when in a sensitive situation, choosing between two things
- i.e.) it was difficult to do my job as it always seemed like walking a tightrope between one manager and another
2. Warts-and-all (나쁜 점들까지도)
- not trying to hide the bad things even with the problems or flaws; ignoring the unattractive features
- i.e.) i have some issues with my boss, but overall i like working for him, warts-and-all
3. weight in on
- give one's opinion about
- i.e.) Roger is making over $100K a year. I'd like to weigh in on the decision of what he gets paid for next year
4. worth a fortune
- worth a large amount of money
- i.e.) the coffee franchise was worth a fortune
5. wrong side of the bed
- to seem grouchy and unhappy on a particular day; to begin the day in a bad mood
- i.e.) Margaret was almost always positive, but today it seemed she got up on the wrong side of the bed. everything she said was negative