[영단어] 하루에 5개이상 Study Challenge - 01/12/2021
1. a sledgehammer (큰 해머) to crack a nut
- using a proportionate (and probably ineffective) solution for a problem
- i.e.) i can't understand why Charles is doing such drastic things
2. a smart cookie
- a clever and quick-thinking person
- i.e.) you're a really smart cookie, so you're sure to do well on the test if you study hard
3. a snowball effect (눈덩이 효과)
- a series of events gain momentum and build upon one another, leading to a more impactful outcome
- i.e.) Things started to go wrong; eventually, it seemed like they were dealing with a snowball effect
4. a snowball's chance in hell (일말의 가능성도 없다)
- No chance of something happening
- i.e.) Jake wants to travel this summer but there is not a snowball's chance in hell that he will get to
5. a stitch in time saves nine (제때의 한 땀은 나중의 아홉 땀을 던다. 문제를 즉각 처리하면 훨씬 더 수월하게 해결할 수 있다는 의미...
- deal with the problem now because it will get worse if you leave it
- i.e.) Abby decidedto deal with the problem and not leave it for later. after all, a stitch in time saves nine