[영단어] 하루에 5개이상 Study Challenge - 01/27/2021
1. bear in mind / keep in mind
- remember something, especialy while thinking about something else
- i.e.) it's true that we lost the game, but keep in mind that the other team cheated
2. beat a hasty retreat (황급히 달아나다)
- to leave really quickly, especially to flee a different situation
- i.e.) Ethan and Michael jumped out of their seats when they realized how tricky the situation had become. they beat a hasty retreat
3. beat around the bush (돌려서 말하다, 요점을 피하다)
- trying to avoid saying something directly, often because the truth is uncomfortable
- i.e.) don't beat around the bush! just tell me what you want to say
4. beat someone to the draw (선수치다, 남보다 먼저 하다)
- you do something before someone else manages to
- i.e.) Joshua was determined to practice hard and beat his brother to the draw when it came to getting on a baseball team
5. beat someone to the punch (선수치다)
- to accomplish something before someone else does
- i.e.) I am so frustrated! I thought I was the first one to think of this idea, but it turned out that Mason beat me to the punch.