
[영단어] 하루에 5개이상 Study Challenge - 10/01/2020

미국NW엔지니어로 살아남기 2020. 10. 2. 11:42

영단어 외우기 5일차. 애들을 씻기고 9시경 재우는데, 이젠 재우고나서 얼른 영단어 공부할 생각에 조금 신나기도 하는 것 같다. 뭐든지 한개 시작하면 끝을 보도록 해보자. 하나의 성취감이 분명 다른것들도 잘해낼수있도록 도와줄것이라 믿는다.



1. get back to

- to return to someone or something

- i.e.) "Derek's coworker wasn't sure what time the meeting was, so he said he'd get back to him with the time"


2. get back at

- to get revenge on someone

- i.e.) her ex-husband took her house so she got back at him by taking his dogs


3. give out

- to stop working

- i.e.) The city had to rebuild the bridge completely, because it was about to give out and fall down.

- to distribute

- i.e.) he has a lot of contacts because he gives out his business card to eveyone he meets


4. give in

- to surrender, especially in a fight or arugement

- i.e.) Ben's mother gave in and let him stay out late with his friends


5. give away

- to hand things out for free

- i.e.) when Linda's cat had kittens, she gave them all away to good homes


6. give up

- stop trying, surrender

- i.e.) after two weeks of trying to build my own table, I gave up and just bought one




