
[영단어] 하루에 5개이상 Study Challenge - 10/11/2020

미국NW엔지니어로 살아남기 2020. 10. 12. 12:48

1. leverage

- in finance, leverage is a strategy that companies use to increase assets, cash flows, and returns, though it can also magnify losses

- 전성을 추구하는 저축과 달리, 투자에서는 종종 레버리지(leverage) 효과가 발생하게 된다. 영어로 'leverage'란 지렛대를 의미한다. 누구나 아는 바와 같이 지렛대를 이용하면 실제 힘보다 몇 배 무거운 물건을 움직일 수 있다. 금융에서는 실제 가격변동률보다 몇 배 많은 투자수익률이 발생하는 현상을 지렛대에 비유하여 레버리지로 표현한다.

- i.e.) try using competitors' prices for leverage in the negotiation

- i.e.) leverage is great until something goes wrong with your investments and you still have to pay your debts

- i.e.) their variable-cost-reducing investments have dramatically increased their leverage


2. can of worms

- to describe a potentially dangerous or difficult situation which should be avoided

- i.e.) let's not open that can of worms


3. up to speed

- to be well-informed or knowledgeable about something

- i.e.) you will need to get up to speed on the financial situation before you can make any important decisions


4. bottom line

- refers to the last line in a financial statement that shows net gain or loss, but it also means the final outcome or deciding factor

- i.e.) The bottom line is that we need to raise prices


5. No-win / win-win situation

- No-win situation is where there is no good result and where everyone loses. On the other hand, a win-win situation is where everyone benefits

- i.e.) fair trade is a win-win situation because both producers and consumer benefit


6. push the envelop

- to do smart, innovative things that others have not done yet; to exceed your potential

- i.e.) our firm will not survive unless we are pushing the envelope





