
[영단어] 하루에 5개이상 Study Challenge - 10/15/2020

미국NW엔지니어로 살아남기 2020. 10. 16. 12:20

1. ahead of pack

- to be more successful than the dompetition

- i.e.) if we want to stay ahead of pack, we will have to increase our marketing budget.

2. back to square one

- to start something over again because a previous attempt failed

- i.e.) to make this software finally work, we have to go back to square one 

3. by the book

- to do things exactly according to the rules or the law

- i.e.) we told our auditors that we do everything by the book


4. corner the market

- to dominate a particular market

- i.e.) Amazon more or less corners the online retailing market

5. cut-throat

- very intense, aggressive, and mercliess competition

- i.e.) competition in the food retailing business is cut-throat.


