[영단어] 하루에 5개이상 Study Challenge - 10/20/2020
1. sever ties
- to end a relationship
- i.e.) we had to sever ties with several suppliers due to poor product quality
2. shoot something down (idea or proposal)
- to reject something
- i.e.) you shouldn't shoot down
3. smooth sailing
- a situation where success is achieved without difficulties
- i.e.) once our largest competitor went out of business, it was smooth sailing
4. stand one's ground
- to not change one's opinion or opinion
- i.e.) they tried to cut my travel budget, but I stood my ground
5. take the bull by the horns
- to directly confront a difficult situation in a determined way
- i.e.) my mid-level managers constantly delayed projects, so I took the bull by the horns and fired several of them