[영단어] 하루에 5개이상 Study Challenge - 10/29/2020
1. raise red flags
- warn of trouble ahead
- i.e.) and that raised a red flag. and I immediately resigned
2. rubber-stamp
- approve something without consideration as a formality
- i.e.) they rubber-stamped his design without serious discussion
3. take it or leave it
- you must decide now whether you will accept this proposal
- i.e.) I will give you $500 for the camera, but that's my final offer. take it leave it
4. out of the loop
- not part of a group that's kept informed about something
- i.e.) he is out of the inner loop, and it irks him
5. on the same page
- understanding a situation in the same way
- i.e.) we're all on the same page here; we know what we're doing is incredibly valuable but we need some organization to better accomplish our objectives