
[영단어] 하루에 5개이상 Study Challenge - 11/07/2020

미국NW엔지니어로 살아남기 2020. 11. 8. 10:50


1. cost a pretty penny (아주 비싼, 큰 돈이 들다)

- to be expensive

- i.e.) the addition of the exercise room and the 24/7 cafe cost a pretty penny for the company


2. crunch some numbers (계산해봐)

- do the math and calculations

- i.e.) the management was told to crunch some numbers to see about employee raises this year


3. down and out

- poor; without hope

- i.e.) although the agency seemed down and out, it had offered so many wonderful services to the community


4. down on my luck

- have had a bad experience; often because there is little money

- i.e.) I had gone to my fifth interview this week with no offers. it seemed like i sure was down on my luck


5. down to the wire (끝까지, 최후까지)

- unsettled to the very end; neck and neck (=competition)

- i.e.) she worked down to the wire on the grant proposal to finish in time


* Colons and semicolons

- colons( : ) : to show that something is following, like a quotation, example, or list

- i.e.) she kept repeating: "I really want that car!"

- semicolons( ; ) : used to join two independent clauses or two complete thoughts

- i.e.) we had too many fumbles; we lost the game



