[영단어] 하루에 5개이상 Study Challenge - 11/09/2020
1. glass ceiling (유리천장)
- an unofficially acknowledged barrier to advancement in a profession, especially affecting women and members of minorities
- i.e.) it seemed difficult to break through the glass ceiling, until more and more of the immigrant
- i.e.) who was breaking the glass ceiling, who was valued for what she did that was like what men traditionally did And along the way we devalued all the work that women traditionally did
2. got off on the wrong foot (처음부터 일이꼬였다)
- to begin doing something in a way that is likely to fail
- i.e.) the telemarketing idea got off on the wrong foot and soon it was disband
3. have a gut feeling (뭔가 일이 꼬였다)
- to begin doing something in a way that is likely to fail
- the personnel manager had a gut feeling that the older man would be an asset to the company
4. head something off at the pass
- to stop something from happening
- i.e.) the President of the company anticipated a lawsuit so he headed it off at the pass by offereing a substitute product and some monetary compensation
- i.e.) to be reconfirming, double-checking, "what could go wrong," head it off at the pass so you don't show up and say, "hey, I emailed you a week ago"
5. hold the purse strings
- to control the spending of a family's or an organization's money
- i.e.) the profits had gone down this past month so the boss said to hold the purse strings until company profits picked up