
[영단어] 하루에 5개이상 Study Challenge - 12/03/2020

미국NW엔지니어로 살아남기 2020. 12. 4. 13:10

1. quick buck

- quick or easy earning; same as "fast buck"

- i.e.) they are stock traders out to make a quick buck


2. reality check

- to think realistically about the situation

- i.e.) let's have a reality check and see if the company needs to cut back on its employees' hours as the profits are just not there


3. red tape

- obstructive official routine or procedure; time consuming bureaucracy

- i.e.) in order to get permission to expand the project, there was a lot of red tape to go through. all of those phone calls and meetings were really exhausting


4. rule of thumb (경험에 바탕을 둔 방법)

- a useful principle having wide application but not intended to be strictly accurate or reliable in every situation

- i.e.) the general rule of thumb was to wear more casual clothes on Fridays


5. scale back

- reduce the number of hours or size of the project

- i.e.) I wanted to scale back my hours on the weekend so i could spend more time at home


