
[영단어] 하루에 5개이상 Study Challenge - 12/05/2020

미국NW엔지니어로 살아남기 2020. 12. 7. 14:33

1. splashed out (돈을 펑펑쓰다. 지르다)

- to spend a lot of money on things that are usually not necessary to have but are luxuries

- i.e.) he wanted to win the adversising account so he splashed out money to try to persuade them


2. stinking rich

- very rich

- i.e.) the owner passed on his company and stock to his daughter. imagine bing that stinking rich


3. test the waters

- to try it; to experiment

- i.e.) i thought I would test the waters with this design first. Then it can always be expanded or altered, etc


4. thick-skinned (비판, 모욕 등에 쉽게 동요하지않는, 둔감한)

- insensitive to criticism; usually unoffended

- i.e.) the salesman was thick-skinned and used to others complaining about his products


5. throw in the towel

- to quite; to give up

- i.e.) i decide to throw in the towel and take a new job. it was just too demanding of my time



