[영단어] 하루에 5개이상 Study Challenge - 9/28/2020
쉬고싶지만, 이렇게 pc앞에 앉아 단어를 외우려고한다. 3개월동안 익숙해지면 습관이 된다는 데, 쉽지않겠지만, 일단 몸을 움직여보자.
1. Cheer on
- to support someone by giving them words of encouragement
- i.e.) Even though Sam was in the last place, her brother cheered her on throught the entire race.
2. Cheer up
- this phrase can be used as a phrase of encouragement said to someone who seems sad, or it can mean to try to make someone happier
- i.e.) Jay was having a bad day, so his girlfriend cheered him up by taking him out for ice cream
3. Come up (w/something)
- to think of an idea
- i.e.) I came up with this idea for a TV show about a woman living with her best friend and daughter. I call it 'Two and a Half Women.'
4. Come up
- to bring up a topic, or when something happens unexpectedly
- i.e.) to bring up a topic: "I wanted to tell her that I got a new job but the chance never came up."
- i.e.) unexpected occurrence: "I was going to meet my friends, but something came up so I had to cancel
5. Come in
- to enter
- i.e.) "Come in, the door is open!" said the grandmother to the wolf.
6. Come across
- to meet or find by chance
- i.e.) I was cleaning the attic and I came across my high school uniform. Can you believe it still fits?
7. Come forward
- to volunteer information about something like a crime
- i.e.) The police are encouraging people to come forward with any information about the kidnapped girl