Cisco Spark Widget
- Each Webex Teams Widget represents a single product feature of the Webex Teams clients.
They are built with *React and *Redux, and use the Browser SDK to communicate with the Webex Platform.
: *React : a JavaScript library for building user interfaces
: *Redux : a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. it helps you write applications that behave consistently, run in different environments, and easy to test
- Widget Example
: to add widgets to your web application, it's as easy as including some simple code in your app. in this example, we'll add the Sapce Widget to a page and join a Webex Teams space.
<div id="my-webexteams-widget" style="width: 500px; height: 500px;"/>
var widgetEl = document.getElementById('my-webexteams-widget');
// Init a new widget
accessTocken: 'ACCESS_TOKEN',
destinationId: 'SPACE_ID',
destinationType: 'spaceId'