GNS3와 GNS3 VM 설치하기
1. Download & install GNS3 executable
2. Download GNS3 VM (Virtual box, esxi, KVM, HyperV, VMware Workstation (recommended) )
* GNS3 VM is OVA file after unzipped
* GNS3 and GNS3 VM have to be the same version
3. Download VMware Workstation Pro at
4. Execute VMware Workstation Pro and open the GNS3 VM downloaded above
5. Integrate GNS3 and GNS3 VM
- go to edit - preference
- enable GNS3 VM on GNS3 and select the VM name(auto-detected)
- Once done, you should see 2 green servers below
- When VPCS is created, select GNS3 VM
6. Download IOS
- Router OS :
- Switch OS :
- Switch OS :
7. Install Docker Container in GNS3
- Go to "New template - Guests - Ubuntu Docker Guest"
- Create an instance of Ubuntu Docker Guest
- Edit config to modify config file (# has to be removed)
8. Complete of Base configuration
- VMware evalation version 설치(easily get crack online) :
- GNS3 설치방법 :
- GNS3 github :