1. Putty / Super Putty (free)
2. Notepad++ (free)
3. Wireshark (free)
4. NMap (CMD) / ZenMap (GUI) (free)
: network device scan하는 툴
5. Python (free)
: Python script를 만들어 자동화 가능. notepad++사용하거나 다른툴로 사용
6. GNS3 (free)
7. Oracle VirtualBox (free)
8. Microsoft Visio
: NW diagram, Rack diagram, flowchart만들때 유용. alternate툴로 draw.io를 사용하면 web에서 바로 사용가능
9. IPerf (free)
: command라인을통해 bw를 측정가능. 설치할필요없이 두개의 디바이스에서 run하면 하나는 서버, 다른하나는 클라이언트로 동작
10. MultiPing
: 여러대의 서버로 동시에 ping 할때 유용
11. Cisco Packet Tracer (Free)
: GNS3와 비슷하지만, cisco에서 만든 프로그램. 기본적인 Cisco 기능 시뮬레이션하기 좋음
12. SolarWinds Engineer's Toolset (ETS)
: SolarWinds ETS is an industry favorite, delivering 60 essential network engineering tools. This is truly an all-in-one solution built to eliminate the need for network engineers to adopt and use multiple tools, which can be time-consuming and costly. With ETS, every network engineering tool you could possibly need is available through a centralized dashboard. The key features of ETS include automated network discovery, real-time monitoring and alerting, powerful diagnostic capabilities, enhanced network security, and integration with SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor (NPM). NPM중 Wan Killer Traffic Generator를 통해 실제 트래픽테스트가능.
13. Paessler PRTG
: 네트워크 관리하는 툴로 많은 회사에서 사용됨
14. iReasoning MIB Browser
: SNMP테스팅하는데 사용되며, Windows/Linux/Mac에서 사용가능
15. WinMTR/MTR
: WinMTR is used to capture packet drops for a particular path in extended period of time. It uses traceroute and keeps on running for a defined duration, at the same time also captures the number of packets dropped in that path. Very useful in case you are troubleshooting performance issues in a certain path.
16. Multicast Hammer
: Multicast hammer is an excellent tool to test multicast, it works in both client and server mode. I found it very useful when to practice multicast or while testing it in a production network or while troubleshooting some weird multicast issue.
- https://www.ictshore.com/ict-basics/network-engineer-software/
- https://www.dnsstuff.com/network-engineer-tools
- https://protocoholic.com/2021/03/05/top-tools-to-make-a-network-engineers-life-easy/
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