1. to pull the plug
- to stop a project that is not doing well
- i.e.) even though it was an interesting idea to give away a mug with each book purchase, the boss pulled the plug as it we ran out of mugs
2. to put a lid on (뚜껑덮어, 조용히 해)
- to stop; to stop something from increasing. This is often used to discuss spending
- i.e.) expenses are getting out of control we need to put a lid on spending

3. to rally the troops
- to motivate others; to get others excited about
- i.e.) the new manager was good at rallying the troops to build company spirit. he planned dress-up days that were lots of fun
4. to snap up
- to buy quickly or in large quantities; a term that implies that the product is very desirable so that many people are buying it
i.e.) we snapped up all of those company tee-shires that were on sale
5. to throw cold water over/on idea/plan
- to present reasons something does not work; to discourage
- i.e.) he continued to throw cold water on the new plan that we wanted to do and finally he agreed with it
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