1. belt and suspenders (안전하게 하는 방법)
- exercising caution and avoiding of risks
- i.e.) Brian is a very cautious person. He avoids risks whenever possible. Belts and suspenders is his motto.

2. bend over backward
- try extremely hard to do something, usually to help someone with a specific issue
- i.e.) They bent over backward to help me learn this. I will always appreciate the effort they made

3. bent out of shape (화가 많이 난)
- annoyed and upset
- i.e.) There is no need to get so bent out of shape! I didn't say anything that you should be very angry about

4. beside oneself (제정신을 잃은, 이성을 잃고)
- very troubled or anxious and distraught
- i.e.) Alex was beside himself. He was so incredibly upset about his uncle's illness. His uncle had always been like a father to him

5. beside the point (핵심에서 벗어나, 상관없는)
- irrelevant
- i.e.) They dismissed what I said, claiming that it was beside the point. They had already concluded the discussion
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