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[영단어] 하루에 5개이상 Study Challenge - 01/26/2021 1. bad hair day (운이 안좋은 날) - hair is not looking as good as one would like - a day on which someone's hair does not look good. This expression is also used in a broader sense to mean that everything seems to go wrong on that day. - i.e.) Zack said he was having a very bad hair day. it was sticking up all over the place and he couldn't seem to tame it - i.e.) it seems i have a bad hair day. it's .. 더보기
[영단어] 하루에 5개이상 Study Challenge - 01/25/2021 1. back to basics - to go back to thinking about the basic elements of something - i.e.) this issue seems to have become quite complex. Let's just try to go back to basics, so that we can better understand it. 2. back to square one (아무 진전없이 원점으로 되돌아가는 것) - back to the beginning of an endeavor - i.e.) everything has gone wrong with the project! We have to go back to square one 3. back to the draw.. 더보기
[영단어] 하루에 5개이상 Study Challenge - 01/24/2021 1. at the crack of dawn - extreamly early in the morning - i.e.) they need to wake up at what seems like the crack of dawn in order to get there in time 2. at the drop of a hat - right away and without hesitation - i.e.) Juliana was really impatient as she waited for her friends to join her, but they couldn't just come over at the drop of a hat 3. at the end of your rope - reached the limit of e.. 더보기
영어단어 암기 11월4일부터 몸이 아팠던 관계로 36일연속으로 진행했던 단어 암기는 종료되었다. 하지만 이것의 취지는 꾸준하게 공부하자는 것이다. 침도 맞고 조금 나아졌으니 다시 마음을 다져서 시작해보련다. 온라인을 통해 찾아보면서 하다보니, 책을 사서 공부해보면 어떨까 생각이되어 아래 2권의 책을 아마존에서 오더했다. 책을 잘 읽지는 않지만, 일단 사서 모으는 것은 좋아해보기로 했다. 유명한지는 모르겠으나 아마존에서 평점 4.0 이상인 것으로 주문했다.(저렴한 가격도 선택에 반영이 된...) 다음주 쯤에는 도착할 예정이니, 도착하면 그걸로 시작해보려고한다. 오늘보다 나은 내가 되기위해 열심히 달려보고싶다. (더이상 아프지말고 무리하지말자.. 아프니깐 올스탑이네..) - 333 Idioms + Phrases: For .. 더보기